Felexa transport services

Welcome to Felexa Logistics, your trusted partner in global freight forwarding! 

At Felexa, we pride ourselves on being your go-to solution for seamless transport services, specializing in routes to and from the bustling ports of the Middle East. With years of experience under our belt, we understand the complexities of international shipping and are here to simplify the process for you.
Whether you’re a small business looking to expand your reach or a large corporation seeking reliable logistics solutions, we’ve got you covered. Our dedicated team works tirelessly to ensure your cargo reaches its destination safely and on time, every time.
From customs clearance to warehousing and distribution, we handle it all with utmost care and attention to detail. Your satisfaction is our top priority, and we strive to exceed your expectations at every turn.
Join the countless businesses who have entrusted their shipments to Felexa Logistics and experience the difference firsthand. Let us take the stress out of shipping so you can focus on what you do best – growing your business. Get in touch with us today and let’s embark on a journey of success together! 
import-export dubai

Air Cargo

At Felexa Logistics, we put your needs first, offering top-notch, reliable, and professional airfreight services in the region. Whether you're on a tight schedule or need swift delivery, our airport-to-airport service is the perfect solution tailored to your requirements. Our expert team ensures your airfreight shipments are handled with speed and reliability, giving you a competitive edge over other companies. Trust Felexa Logistics to give you a head start in the world of air freight!

Sea Freight FCL/LCL

Sail smoothly through your sea cargo shipments with Felexa Logistics' top-quality solutions. Our experienced team ensures accessibility to information and affordable rates, guaranteeing your freight arrives at its destination safe, sound, and headache-free, right on schedule. We understand your needs, offering economical rates, flexible transit times, and scheduled cruising options, coupled with a full range of value-added services born from our extensive experience in the field. Let us take the stress out of your sea-faring logistics journey!

Road Transport

Welcome to Felexa Logistics, your go-to destination for top-notch road transportation services! With our extensive fleet of big trucks, front loaders, and vehicles equipped with various features, we're ready to handle all your delivery needs from pick-up to drop-off. Our expert team is here to guide you every step of the way, ensuring that you select the perfect type and size of equipment for the safe transportation of your cargo. Trust us to not only save you time and money but also to provide peace of mind knowing your shipments are in capable hands. Let's get rolling together!

Rail Cargo

We've got you covered on some of the most vital rail cargo routes across the global! From China to CIS countries, China, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Russia, Belarus, Azerbaijan Republic, Turkey, and European countries, our extensive network ensures your cargo travels smoothly and efficiently. Our team excels at tailoring transportation schedules to fit your unique requirements. Count on us to handle every detail, so you can focus on what matters most-growing your business!

Warehousing & Distribution

Felexa logistics' experts combine warehousing and distribution, advanced systems and technology, as well as Value Added Services to customize your supply chain to meet your precise goals and requirements. Our warehousing and distribution capabilities include full-service management. Backed by Road, Air and Sea freight forwarding products, advanced technology and strategic facilities, our experts have the resources to put their plans into action. From consulting to overseeing delivery, Felexa does not rest until your products reach your customers’ hands safely.

Import / Export Solutions

Navigating the legal landscape of a new country can be a maze, causing delays and headaches for your imports and exports stuck in customs limbo. That's where having a seasoned expert in international trade laws becomes your secret weapon. At Felexa, we've got your covered with a range of solutions tailored to smooth your path: Supply, Purchase and Import/ Knowledge of international trade laws/ Understanding tariffs & currency exchange/ Custom Clearance/ Legal documentation/ Export management services/ Procuring Quality engineering services/ Additional Offshore Sourcing Services

Global Ports Covered
    • Bandar Abbas
    • Jebel Ali
    • Sharjah
    • Umm Qasr
    • Shuwaikh
    • Hamad
    • Sohar
    • Salalah
    • Dammam
    • Jeddah
    • Karachi
    • Antwerp
    • Hamburg
    • Valencia
    • Rotterdam
  • Africa
    • Mombasa
    • Dar Es Salaam
    • Mogadishu
    • Abidjan
  • Canada
  • Australia
  • INDIA Ports
    • Mundra
    • Nhava Sheva
    • Chennai
    • Mumbai
    • Cochin
  • CHINA Ports
    • Shanghai
    • Qingdao
    • Tianjin
    • Shenzhen
    • Guangzhou
    • Hong Kong
    • Singapore
    • Port Klang
    • Ho Chi Minh
    • Manila
    • Colombo
    • Laem Chabang
    • Busan
    • Incheon
Felexa Shipping map

Feel free to contact us!


    Shipping Dictionary

    حمل و نقل دریایی
    Sea Shipment

    کالای خطرناک
    DG Cargo

    قیمت حمل دریایی
    Ocean Freight Rate

    حمل ترکیبی
    Combined shipment

    قیمت حمل هوایی
    Air Freight Rate

    تحویل گیرنده کالا

    پیش فاکتور
    P/I: Proforma Invoice

    سند حمل
    B/L: Bill of Lading

    اعتبار اسنادی
    L/C: Letter of Credit

    ترخیص ( گمرکی )

    حق العملکار

    ورود موقت

    اعلامیه ورود یا رسیدن بار به مقصد
    Arrival Notice

    حقوق و عوارض گمرکی


    اظهارنامه صادراتی
    Export declaration

    عرشه کشتی یا صفحه جای بار در کشنده ها

    کانتینر بغل باز
    Flat Rack/Flat Bed Container

    اتاق بازرگانی
    Chamber of Commerce

    تاییدیه فروش
    S/C-Sales Confirmation

    تاییدیه سفارش
    O/C-Order Confirmation

    قیمت واحد کالا
    U/P-Unit Price

    سفارش خرید
    P/O-Purchase Order

    انتقال تلگرافی پول
    T.T – Telegraphic Transfer

    گواهی بازرسی کیفی
    C.O.I – Certificate of Inspection

    بازرسی پیش از حمل کالا
    P.S.I – Pre Shipment Inspection

    پول نقد در برابر ارایه سند
    C.A.D – Cash Against Document

    ضمانت نامه بانکی حسن انجام کار
    P.B.G – Performance Bank Guarantee

    ضمانت نامه بانکی پیش پرداخت
    A.P.G – Advanced Payment Guarantee

    بارگیری کامل کانتینر، یک بارنامه صادر شده است
    F.C.L – Full Container Load

    محل نگه داری کانتینرها
    C.F.S – Container Freight Station

    بدون هزینه – مجانی
    F.O.C – Free of Charge

    سند واحد اداری –اظهارنامه گمرکی
    S.A.D – Single Administrative Document

    بانک ابلاغ کننده یا بانک کارگزار
    Advising bank

    پیش پرداخت
    Cash in Advance

    ذینفع به زبان انگلیسی

    الزامات اسنادی
    Documentation Requirements

    انقضا به زبان انگلیسی

    ضمانتنامه متقابل
    Counter Guarantee

    اعتبار اسنادی غیر قابل برگشت
    Irrevocable Letter of Credit

    برات دیداری
    (Sight Draft (S/D

    اعلامیه حمل
    Advice of shipment

    حمل مرکب
    Combined Transport

    گواهی کیفیت کالا
    Quality Certificate

    گواهی کمیت کالا
    Quantity Certificate

    گواهی ضد عفونی
    Fumigation Certificate

    گواهی آنالایز
    Certificate of Analysis

    گواهی بهداشت
    Health certificate

    گواهی سلامت
    Sanitary certificate

    گواهی بازرسی کالا
    Inspection Certificate

    غیر مجاز
    not allowed

    کشور مبدا
    Country of origin

    کشور مقصد
    Country of destination

    وسیله حمل و نقل
    Transport mode and means

    بندر/ فرودگاه بارگیری
    Port/airport of loading

    بندر/ فرودگاه تخلیه
    Port/airport of discharge

    محل نهایی تحویل کالا
    Final place delivery

    شرایط پرداخت
    Terms of payment

    ارزش معامله
    Transaction currency


    وزن ناخالص کل کیلو گرم
    Total gross ) wt(kg)

    اعتبار اسنادی غیر قابل برگشت
    Irrevocable Letter of Credit

    سند انتقال
    Transfer Deed

    گواهی بازرسی کالا
    Inspection Certificate

    غیر مجاز
    not allowed


    Bill of Lading


    کارنه تیر
    Carne Tir


    Packing List

    Port به فارسی


    کامیون دربستی
    Full Truck Loading (FTL)

    پیش فاکتور
    Proforma Invoice

    کانتینر دربستی
    Full Container Loading (FCL)

    گواهی مبداء
    Certificate of Origin

    خرده بار

    گواهی بهداشت
    Health Certificate

    خرده بار دریایی
    Low Container Loading (LCL)

    حمل از درب کارخانه

    خرده بار زمینی
    Low Truck Loading (LTL)

    تحویل روی عرشه کشتی

    حمل و نقل
    Logistics – Transportation

    حمل درب تا درب
    Door to Door

    انتقال به داخل
    Transfer In

    انتقال به خارج
    Transfer out

    حمل و نقل، ترابری

    شیوه حمل
    Mode of shipment

    تراز تجاری
    Trade Balance

    تحویل کالا در محل کار
    (Ex Works (EXW

    تحویل کالا در کنار کشتی
    Free Along Side )(Ship ( FAS

    تحویل کالا درمحل مقرر به حمل کننده
    Free Carrier (FCA)

    انتقال به داخل
    Transfer In

    انتقال به خارج
    Transfer out

    تحویل کالا روی اسکله دربندرمقصد
    Delivered Ex Quay (DEQ)

    تحویل کالا روی عرشه کشتی
    Free On Board (FOB)

    تحویل کالا روی عرشه کشتی دربندرمقصد
    Delivered Ex Ship (DES)

    قیمت کالا بیمه و کرایه تا بندر مقصد
    Cost Insurance And Freight ( CIF)

    پرداخت کرایه حمل کالا تا مقصد
    Carriage Paid to ( CPT)

    پرداخت کرایه حمل و بیمه کالا تا مقصد
    Carriage And Insurance Paid to (CIP)

    گواهی بازرسی کیفی
    C.O.I: Certificate of Inspection

    بازرسی پیش از حمل کالا
    P.S.I: Pre Shipment Inspection

    راه¬نامه: سند غیر قابل انتقال و معامله در حمل های زمینی
    C.M.R: Convention Merchandise Routier

    گواهی تطابق کالا با استاندارد
    V.O.C: Verification of Conformity

    پول نقد در برابر ارائه سند
    C.A.D: Cash Against Document

    ضمانتنامه بانکی حسن انجام کار
    P.B.G: Performance Bank Guarantee

    ضمانتنامه بانکی پیش پرداخت
    A.P.G: Advanced Payment Guarantee

    اظهار نامه

    محل نگه داری کانتینرها
    C.F.S – Container Freight Station

    شرکت بیمه کننده کالا
    Insurance Company

    وارد کننده